Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My first yoga class

I should start by saying I have never done any sort of yoga... well a couple of postures on the Wii Fit. That's about it. So I figured, for the sake of the blog and and at the advice of my cousin, I'll take a 30 minute class, see what it's all about, check it off my list and move on. A friend at work, DeAne, saw my blog and happens to know quite a bit about Bikram Yoga. When she first mentioned it to me and started talking about how great it felt, I thought great! Let's do that. DeAne said my first goal would be to stay in the room for the entire class. "Stay in the room"? Really? That's it?  How hard can that be?  Oh by the way... Bikram Yoga is also called "hot yoga". Which is yoga in a room heated to 105 degrees.  {{screeeeach}}  whoa.

So I said sure, I'll check into that. (of course I didn't really have plans to check into it SOON.. ha).  Then a couple of days later she tells me she found a deal where I can get 20 sessions for 92% off! Wow!  (gulp - 20 sessions??? My blog said to attend ONE yoga class.. hm).  Anyway, my friend Cristol and I both bought the 20 sessions. We figure, if we hate it after one class then oh well, we barely paid anything anyway so let's give it a go. I went out and got my little outfit and today was the big day.

We decided to go before work so at 4:50 (AM!) I pulled up to the Bikram Yoga studio (of course Cristol was already there waiting with a sunny smiling face... darn her).  The studio is beautiful from the outside.  Hmm, this is a good sign.  I think this is a place where I can "stay in the room" for the entire class.  Sure

The studio wasn't opened yet and we sat waiting in our cars for 10 minutes or so.  Deep inside I was kind of hoping we had misunderstood and there wasn't really a class at 5:30am. Or that they were closed for the holidays (even though Cristol had called several times to check class times and confirm). But here it was 5:01 and the studio was still closed! Oh well, let's go to Starbucks instead! :)  But then... 5:03am and here comes a car. Out jumps a slender pretty blond girl in workout attire who runs in to unlock the studio and let us in, get us signed up etc.  Misty was super nice and very patient and assured us that our first class would be fine. She was also our instructor so she walked us right through everything and even pointed out the "cooler" parts of the room.

As soon as I opened the door to the actual studio I felt tiny beads of sweat on my forehead. Yep, 105 degrees alright.  They had us put our yoga mat on a blue line on the floor and lay our towel over it (to soak up the gallons of sweat I'm sure). My one goal... "stay in the room" for the entire NINETY minutes.  Yes 90. So much for my quickie 30 minute class and check it off the list.  Bikram yoga is 26 postures, each done twice and the entire process takes an hour and a half. 

Cristol set up next to me on the "cool" side of the room (I use the term loosely) and off we went.  We started with some breathing and then went into some standing postures. I was immediately drenched but I was doing it! Misty guided us through and told us to watch the people in front of us. In front of me were a very tan brunette girl who I later heard saying that she takes 2 classes a day, and another girl who had a scarf over her head, clearly the result of chemo.  I thought, if that girl is brave and strong enough to do this while she's going through chemo, then I can do this too.

The tan girl was a great example for me to follow. She handled every single posture with amazing strength. I was struggling but I was doing it.  About 30 minutes in I started to feel strange. Light headed, flushed, beyond what I should have been. Then the nausea hit. I kept thinking, no! I wanted to stay in the room, that was my one goal! I pushed through the nausea and kept going, tried to sit down for a minute and take a break but then my stomach started to cramp and I had to run out of the room.

Yeah. I got sick. :( After that fun time, I laid on the bench in the shower room feeling a little defeated. My one stupid goal "stay in the room" and I didn't do it.  I laid on that bench with my legs elevated trying to get the dizziness to pass. I figured at this point, I may as well skip the rest of the class. Oh well I had tried.

Then I remembered my blog! Argh! I was going to have to write about quitting the class and not going back in! dang it. Stupid blog. So I picked my sweaty dizzy self up off that bench and went back into that super hot room and finished the class.  I only got nauseous again once when we did this back bendy posture.  I stayed in the room and kept doing the posture, pushed through till the end until the nausea passed.

(that's not me btw - lol. I borrowed this picture off their website)

I've read that doing yoga, especially Bikram yoga, really squeezes toxins out of your system. I think that's what was happening when I was getting nauseous. 

Misty later told us that all the 5:30 am people are pretty dedicated regulars who do this a lot. After the class was over they all applauded for Cristol and I for making it through the class.  (one other btw: Cristol DID stay in the class the entire time. She had to sit down just once when she got dizzy but she stayed in the room!).  Misty told us that it would take 3 classes before we would start to really hear every instruction she gave us and 10 before our body would get the hang of it and respond better.  TEN! ahhh...  After we had showered and were all ready Cristol asked me.... "so, 5:30am tomorrow?".  grrr... sure. If she can do it, I can do it. 

Did I love it? No, not yet. The room smells kind of funny (not like b.o, more like hot carpet glue) and the heat is pretty powerful. My body is not flexible at all (yet) so there were several postures I couldn't really do at all.  Plus getting up at 4:30am is rough and I only get 30 minutes after the class to shower and get ready! (minor detail but it usually takes me a bit longer than that).

Did I hate it? Surprisingly no. It feels good to stretch and breathe and really just sweat good and  hard without caring. It was harder than any workout I have ever done before, I can guarantee that.  But I feel pretty good now (only 5 hours later). They say to take the next class within 24 hours to minimize soreness so...  looks like I'll be seeing Cristol up there tomorrow morning, 5am.  Maybe this time I can "stay in the room". :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Changing some priorities

So I've decided to put my little pie project on hold for a little while.  I made one last one for a Christmas party but I think that will be it (for now).  In the spirit of prioritizing, I'm moving a couple of other list items up in priority:

#2 - run a mile without stopping
#13 - take a yoga class

A friend of mine showed me an iphone app called "Couch to 5k". It walks you right through the training process, uses your own music and is pretty simple. I really do want to run this mile. (Though the spirit is willing, the body is weak...)  Weak especially at this time of year with so many treats everywhere I turn! I moved my eliptical out to the living room so I could use it while watching TV. So far I've used it once but others have used it for a coat hook more often :-\  Argh, not quite what I've intended.  I've heard running on sidewalks and pavement is really hard on your joints but hey, I'm not training for a marathon. It's one stinkin' mile.  I'm headed to snow country in less than a week so maybe when I get back I can start on list item 2.

As for the yoga class...  I signed up! My first class is December 29. A friend who I work with is very passionate about yoga, she used to teach it and just had so many good things to say about it. She found a coupon for me for 20 classes for $20 (the normal price is 20 classes for $260 so it's a pretty good deal).  Here's the kicker... it's Bikram Yoga.  Never heard of it? Some people call it "hot yoga".  It's basically yoga in a room that's heated to 105 degrees.  90 minute class, a minimum of 3 times a week. Yes I know it's a crazy commitment for just starting out. But she tells me my first goal should be to stay in the room for the entire 90 minutes. Then I can work up to more challenging goals, ha. I've been looking at pictures and reading up on it and it sounds really good. You might say I'm "fearfully looking forward to it".  My friend Cristol signed up with me so at least I have a partner, mwa ha ha. 

Sowinnyway - I figure if I'm going to be really successful in the yoga and running categories, then it might be a good idea to put the dessert project on a temporary hiatus :) 

Woo hoo! Fun times ahead! Merry Christmas !

Pie #9: Peanut Butter Pie (Amish style / custard)

Here is this week's creation, straight from my Amish recipes cookbook. Peanut Butter pie, custard style.  This was an interesting process because the recipe specifically said I was supposed to use a double-boiler. Which I don't have. I've never even thought about getting one. And, since I've never made custard before (from scratch!) I wasn't sure what to expect. So my lil friend Ashley helped me out and we just stirred and stirred and stirred (and stirred and stirred some more) while it heated on the lowest heat ever... and after we got a pretty decent workout, it finally thickened up and turned into this yummy treat! It's peanut butter crumbled with powdered sugar, dumped into a baked pie shell. Then you pour the custard over the top and sprinkle the top with more peanut butter / powdered sugar crumbles. Then a little whipped cream.

By the way - in case you didn't know, I come from an Amish background. No, I personally was never Amish (my dad left it before I was born) but the vast majority of my relatives are still Amish and when I go "home" for holidays it's to Amish country. So I really like making treats like these from my own heritage :)  I was pretty pleased too, for my first ever custard pie, this one was quite tasty!

One other note - this was for a Christmas party and I totally forgot to take a picture before I got to the party. I had to sneak one in really quick with my phone so that's why you see it surrounded by other dishes...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pie #6, 7 and 8: Peanut Butter, Butterfinger, and Coconut Cream

Ok so in honor of Thanksgiving, I made 2 pies last week.

The first was Peanut Butter which did not turn out at ALL like it was supposed to. It was super sweet and didn't really hold it's shape very well. It looks pretty but I think the low fat cream cheese and the low fat peanut butter caused it to turn kind of "gloopy".  I even froze it and it was still gloopy. That's some persistent gloopiness!  My nephew, Jack, had a wonderful time "helping" me though. He taste tested everything for me. Such a little helper. :)

The second pie I made for Thanksgiving was actually a very lowfat Weight Watcher's recipe. And of the two, wouldn't you know this was quite the favorite.  This one was made with graham cracker crust, lite KoolWhip and a crushed up butterfinger bar (Jack also had fun helping me crush the candy).  The top is drizzled with low-sugar chocolate sauce and a little bit of caramel sauce. Freeze it for a bit and it was quite yummy!

For this week, I had a special request to make a coconut cream pie.  This was, of course, the original pie I wanted to make that started this entire project.  I went back to the well with an Emeril Lagasse recipe from  Is coconut cream supposed to be brown? I always thought it was more of a creamy white color. Hmm...  I DID toast my own coconut tho, that's probably what made it brown.  Oh well - I only had one tiny bite of this one but I had good feedback that it was very good too.

By the way - did you notice my new pie plate and carrier? I decided to invest in something prettier than my plain (and very old stuff). Yay for Target!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pie #5: Sweet Potato Pecan

This week's pie is a combination of a couple of different recipes and is a little spicy preview of the holiday season.  It was quite a hit at work too! It can be served either piping hot from the oven or nice and cold. I tried it both ways and actually preferred it cold :)

 Tasty indeed!  Happy almost Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pie #4: Black Bottom Banana Cream

This week's pie comes from a Pampered Chef dessert cookbook.  My brother Jared requested a banana cream pie so I got a little creative.  This recipe calls for a tub of "kool whip" but since last week's chocolate cream recipe taught me how to make my own homemade whipped cream so I used that in this one.  btw - My brother wasn't kidding when he said he could eat an entire half of this pie in one night...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Early morning preview

Yesterday morning I was out early and happened across 2 hot air balloons that were just taking off. I took this through my windshield so it's not great quality but wow, what a cool sight. It's probably getting a little cold to think about doing this one yet this year. But what a neat little preview of things to come.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Pie #3: Chocolate Cream

This week's pie is Emeril Lagasse's Chocolate Cream Pie from The Food Network website.  It turned out sooo good!  Way more tasty than even imagined.  With ingredients like heavy whipping cream, buttermilk, and Ghirardelli semi-sweet chocolate, how can you go wrong?  I even whipped the cream for the topping myself! Never done that before! :)  The original recipe called for a cookie crumble crust but I went with a baked pie shell and I'm glad I did. I might have been a little too rich otherwise.

The funny thing is it doesn't take long for the people at work to know I'm baking a pie a week and to start expecting it! I had 2 guys waiting at my cube this morning when I came in "where's the pie!?"  haha...

What to do next week... hmm....

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pie #2: Jackie's chocolate chip pecan pie

So last night was my second pie! This recipe came from my cousin Jackie. It was fairly easy to make. She taught me a new little trick, too, of making the crust right in the pie plate.  The crust is made from flour, oil, milk and a dash of salt. I mixed it together in the pan then pressed it into the sides. It turned out great! This pie is super sweet.  That means a lot coming from me! I like super sweet and wow, this one delivers.  When I cut it, I had to chip a hardened sweet candy layer away from the edges of the pie plate. yummy!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pie ideas

Ok so I keep getting ideas (and thinking of ideas) for different pies I could make for my great pie project. So I thought it might be a good idea to have a blog post for pies that I can update as we go until I have a list of 52!  Please feel free to comment with ideas and I can add them to the list:
  1. Coconut cream (the pie that started it all)
  2. Shoofly
  3. Old Fashioned Cream
  4. Chocolate Cream
  5. Chocolate Chip Pecan
  6. Banana Cream
  7. Apple
  8. Pumpkin
  9. Original Pecan pie
  10. Peanut butter pie
  11. Linzer Torte
  12. Key Lime pie
  13. Lemon Meringue
(sidenote:  I can tell already this is going to be harder than I thought - I need ideas!)