Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pie #9: Peanut Butter Pie (Amish style / custard)

Here is this week's creation, straight from my Amish recipes cookbook. Peanut Butter pie, custard style.  This was an interesting process because the recipe specifically said I was supposed to use a double-boiler. Which I don't have. I've never even thought about getting one. And, since I've never made custard before (from scratch!) I wasn't sure what to expect. So my lil friend Ashley helped me out and we just stirred and stirred and stirred (and stirred and stirred some more) while it heated on the lowest heat ever... and after we got a pretty decent workout, it finally thickened up and turned into this yummy treat! It's peanut butter crumbled with powdered sugar, dumped into a baked pie shell. Then you pour the custard over the top and sprinkle the top with more peanut butter / powdered sugar crumbles. Then a little whipped cream.

By the way - in case you didn't know, I come from an Amish background. No, I personally was never Amish (my dad left it before I was born) but the vast majority of my relatives are still Amish and when I go "home" for holidays it's to Amish country. So I really like making treats like these from my own heritage :)  I was pretty pleased too, for my first ever custard pie, this one was quite tasty!

One other note - this was for a Christmas party and I totally forgot to take a picture before I got to the party. I had to sneak one in really quick with my phone so that's why you see it surrounded by other dishes...

1 comment:

  1. That looks nommy enough to eat with a sppppooooonnnn!!!
