Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Changing some priorities

So I've decided to put my little pie project on hold for a little while.  I made one last one for a Christmas party but I think that will be it (for now).  In the spirit of prioritizing, I'm moving a couple of other list items up in priority:

#2 - run a mile without stopping
#13 - take a yoga class

A friend of mine showed me an iphone app called "Couch to 5k". It walks you right through the training process, uses your own music and is pretty simple. I really do want to run this mile. (Though the spirit is willing, the body is weak...)  Weak especially at this time of year with so many treats everywhere I turn! I moved my eliptical out to the living room so I could use it while watching TV. So far I've used it once but others have used it for a coat hook more often :-\  Argh, not quite what I've intended.  I've heard running on sidewalks and pavement is really hard on your joints but hey, I'm not training for a marathon. It's one stinkin' mile.  I'm headed to snow country in less than a week so maybe when I get back I can start on list item 2.

As for the yoga class...  I signed up! My first class is December 29. A friend who I work with is very passionate about yoga, she used to teach it and just had so many good things to say about it. She found a coupon for me for 20 classes for $20 (the normal price is 20 classes for $260 so it's a pretty good deal).  Here's the kicker... it's Bikram Yoga.  Never heard of it? Some people call it "hot yoga".  It's basically yoga in a room that's heated to 105 degrees.  90 minute class, a minimum of 3 times a week. Yes I know it's a crazy commitment for just starting out. But she tells me my first goal should be to stay in the room for the entire 90 minutes. Then I can work up to more challenging goals, ha. I've been looking at pictures and reading up on it and it sounds really good. You might say I'm "fearfully looking forward to it".  My friend Cristol signed up with me so at least I have a partner, mwa ha ha. 

Sowinnyway - I figure if I'm going to be really successful in the yoga and running categories, then it might be a good idea to put the dessert project on a temporary hiatus :) 

Woo hoo! Fun times ahead! Merry Christmas !

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